كيف تحمي حسابك على تويتر وفيس بوك من الاختراق؟
156 وقت القراءة
منذ العام 2010 انتشرت تطبيقات خبيثة تقوم بإرسال رسائل خاصة لكل من يقوم بمتابعتك على تويتر وذلك بعد تعرض حسابك لنوع من الاختراق المباشر أو الغير مباشر , هذه الرسائل تصدر منك دون معرفة مسبقة إلى أصدقائك لكي يقوموا بالضغط على وصلة محددة , و بما أن الرسالة وصلتهم من صديق فسيثقوا بها و يقوموا بالنقر على الوصلة , إلا أنه للأسف هذه الرسائل تكون مضرة
المشكلة أن هذه الرسائل مصممة باستخدامالهندسة الاجتماعية كنوع من اغراء المستخدم للضغط على هذه الوصلة , مثلا أكثر الرسائل انتشارا حاليا هي (Did you see this pic of you? lol) و التي تعني (هل شاهدت الصورة المنشورة عنك ,, اضغط هنا لتشاهدها) و رسائل كثيرة على هذا الغرار التي يمكن أن تجدها في أخر المقال (هذه الصورة مثال على الرسائل الخاصة التي تصل)
بالعادة هذه الوصلات تؤدي إلى مواقع شبيهة بموقع (Facebook.com) بالشكل فقط و لكن العنوان مختلف ويطلب منك تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع مشاهدة الصورة , بعد تسجيل الدخول يخبرك الموقع بأنك أدخلت اسم المستخدم أو كلمة السر بشكل خاطيء و عندها يوجهك الموقع فعليا إلى موقع (Facebook.com) و عندها لن تنتبه بأن الموقع قد قام فعليا بسرقة اسم المستخدم و كلمة السر الخاصة بحسابك على (Facebook.com)
من هذه الوصلات أيضا من تطلب منك تحميل ملفات مشبوهة أو مواقع أخرى بالمحصلة هي مواقع و برمجيات خبيثة و ضارة هدفها إما اختراق خصوصيتك أو سرقة بياناتك أو استخدام حسابك من أجل الدعاية أو الهجوم أو النشر بشكل عشوائي
كيف تحمي نفسك؟
في البداية عليك أن لا تعطي أي موقع مهما كان اسم المستخدم و كلمة السر الخاصة بك حتى لو كان ذلك مقابل خدمة فإن هذه الطريقة اختفت و أصبح هناك بروتوكول متعارف عليه بأسم (OAUTH) يمكن المواقع التي تقدم خدمات مرتبطة بحسابك بفعل ذلك دون الحاجة لحصولها على اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور
ثانيا تأكد دائما من عنوان الموقع في الاعلى بأن يكون صحيح فهناك مواقع تقوم بالاحتيال بعنوان مثل (twitter.sssd.com) – العنوان السابق مجرد مثال – و البعض بمجرد رؤية كلمة (twitter) يعتقد أنه الموقع الأصلي و لذا عليك التأكد من أن الموقع الحالي هو الموقع الأصلي لكي لا تقع ضحية سرقة بيانات حسابك
ثالثا عليك أن تقوم بتغيير كلمة السر الخاصة بحسابك بمجرد الاشتباه بأنك قد وقعت لعملية مشابهة, أو أخبرك أصدقائك بأنهم بدئوا باستلام رسائل خاصة منك أنت لم تقم بإرسالها
إذهب إلى الشبكة الاجتماعية (Facebook.com) و (Twitter.com) لانهما الأكثر استهدافا هذه الأيام و من ثم في صفحة (Twitter.com) اذهب (اعدادات / Settings) كما في الصور
غير كلمة السر / Password من هنا كما في الصورة
ثم اختر (التطبيقات / Apps) وقم بالغاء صلاحية كل التطبيقات وهذه أفضل طريقة للتأكد من له لا يوجد أي ارتباط في حسابك و من بعدها قم من جديد بالارتباط بالتطبيقات و المواقع الموثوقة فقط
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
بالنهاية هذه قائمة بأكثر الرسائل انتشرا:
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
محمد بدوي
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Did you see this pic of you? lol
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Someone said this real bad thing about you in a blog
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
FYI this profile on twitter (URL) is spreading nasty blogs around about you
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
damn this person is making updates with retarded things that involve you
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
HAHA omg you have to see this IM dying from laughing so hard…
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
lol wat r you doing n this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
u didn’t see them tapping u
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey this user is making up cruel things that are about you
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey this person is making up cruel things that are about you
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
hey someone is writing shocking posts that are about you
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hi this user is posting really bad things about you
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
See who is Stalking your Twitter! (this is the StalkTalk scam)
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Find out who’s stalking your twitter
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello some person is posting very bad rumors about you…
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
LOL…i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello this user is making nasty things about you…
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
did you see this crazy tweet about you?
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey some person is making terrible things about you…
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hello somebody is making nasty things about you…
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hi someone is posting very bad rumors about you…
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Someone is saying some real horrible things about you, seen this?
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Seen this really nasty rumor/blog about you?
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
There is a rumor/blog going around about you might want to read it
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Rumor has it there is some bad things about you
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Found a funny picture of you!
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I cannot believe what this person is saying about you! it’s pretty nasty stuff
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
You seen what this person is saying about you? terrible things..
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey…you seen this yet? some horrible rumors about you going around online…
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
i cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here i cant believe what was said..
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
rofl they was taping you
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
u didn’t seee them tapping u
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
how did you not see them taping u
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
lol they taped your
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
whatt are you doing in this fb vid ?
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
i got mine yesterday
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
you even see them taping u him
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what on earth you’re doing on this movie
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
O M G your in this
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what on earth could you be doing in our vid
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
what are you doing in this viddeoo
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
who posted this video of me in the bathroom
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
wtf this dumbass is posting sexual stories that concern you
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
ur famouse now
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
HAHA omg you have to see this [LINK] im dying from laughing so hard…
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
wat r u doing with him in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
OMG i found this pic of u LMAO,
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
I bet you don’t remember this eh?
lol your in this video
lol your in this video
lol your in this video